Turns out protesting pipelines can be fun for the protesters doing it. A recent report from StateImpact, a Pennsylvania-based NPR affiliate, has more on the lush benefits afforded protesters of the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline in Pennsylvania.
More from Marie Cusick (emphasis ours):
Lancaster Against Pipelines recently received $22,000 through a Lush program called Charity Pot. Grants are intended to support animal protection, the environment, and human rights. “The majority of our funding is allocated to smaller groups who struggle to find funding elsewhere,” the company says on its website.
…Last fall the activists built two wooden structures near Conestoga, which they intend to occupy when pipeline construction begins. A few dozen people have been camping and training in nonviolent resistance since mid-February. The site has a food truck, portable toilets, and a large barn being outfitted with electricity and internet.
Just this week, Lancaster Against Pipelines moved to a “weekend-only schedule” when it became clear that pipeline construction “has been delayed by up to several months.”
What remains to be seen? Whether protesters leave behind a similar mess to the one that Dakota Access protesters left behind earlier this year.