Did “Water Protectors” Contaminate Water?
Environmentalists in Texas and throughout the country have recently been referring to themselves as “water protectors” and adopting the motto “water...
London Mayor Saddles Average Car Owners
Last week, London's Mayor Sadiq Khan opened a new front in his ongoing crusade against car ownership, this time choosing to tax the owners of "old"...
“Green” Protestors To Use Failed Protests As Blueprint
According to a report from the Associated Press, environmentalist protestors are planning to use the same tactics employed against a North Dakota...
The Secret Life Of A Hollywood Pipeline Protester
Pipeline protesters have begun dismantling their West Texas protest camp and requesting bus fare from donors to return home as the Trans-Pecos...
“Mouthpiece For Terrorists,” Now Also Mouthpiece For Texas Enviros
In its quest to compete in the global energy market and undermine the U.S. energy industry, Qatar recently lifted a moratorium on one of the largest...
PA Judge Tosses Out Anti-Fracking “Pillar”
A federal judge in Pennsylvania has rejected the ruling from the lawsuit featured in the anti-fracking documentary Gasland. The verdict's rejection...
Fossil Fuels Power Tribal Budgets
The New York Times reports that the budgets of some of America's largest Native American tribes are powered by fossil fuels: "But some of the...
Pipeline Protests, Now With Food Trucks!
Turns out protesting pipelines can be fun for the protesters doing it. A recent report from StateImpact, a Pennsylvania-based NPR affiliate, has...
Trans-Pecos Pipeline Certified For Operation
After months of exhaustive construction in the face of radical obstruction by outside environmentalist groups, the 148-mile Trans-Pecos natural gas...
Rare Earth Makes ‘Green Energy’ “Not-So-Green”
A recent editorial in the Tyler Morning Telegraph highlighted the "not-so-green" environmental reality of the rare earth elements needed to make...
Trump Orders Review Of Obama Energy Regulations
President Donald Trump today signed an executive order to initiate a review of energy regulations put in place under the Obama administration: The...
Oil Starts Flowing in DAPL
The New York Daily News reports that oil is now flowing through the Dakota Access Pipeline, a source of controversial protests by the...