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A new report from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service concluded a proposed LNG export terminal at the Port of Brownsville would not jeopardize the survival of endangered ocelots in South Texas. Environmentalist have made the survival of the ocelot a key point of their opposition LNG export terminals for several years.

Despite being proved false, some environmentalists are still clinging to the debunked talking point. After the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service report was released, environmental group Save RGV From LNG chose to ignore the facts, taking to Facebook to falsely claim the LNG export terminal would impact the ocelot population:

“‘This region is home to the last remaining population of ocelots in Texas, and these LNG facilities put their survival in jeopardy.’ – Sharon Wilcox, Defenders of Wildlife”

“There are less than 60 ocelots in Texas. No amount of mitigation can undo the impacts the Rio Grande LNG fracked gas operation will have.”