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It’s no secret that with the advances in modern technology, the oil and natural gas industry is producing the energy our state needs in cleaner and more efficient ways. In fact, oil and natural gas companies have invested more in emission-reducing technologies than both the private sector and the government combined. The Texas Oil and Gas Association and its members are committed to protecting the environment and doing our part to address climate concerns. 

Recent actions by the federal government, picking winners and losers in the energy sector in the form of supporting legislation and hiring key staff members championed by extreme climate activists, is cause for concern. Government officials are elected to work together to find solutions to issues that impact us all, not to utilize resources paid for by taxpayers to lob unwarranted attacks against certain industries for political posturing. 

TXOGA and its member companies are committed to being a part of the solution to address these environmental concerns that face us all. We are committed to fighting against an overreaching federal government that places burdensome mandates on our industry, which ultimately hurts hardworking Texans who rely on our industry to meet their daily energy needs.