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North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) called for “civil discourse” over Keystone XL as Nebraska begins its hearing process on the project:

“Recently, however, actions by extremist opposition groups against similar high profile projects like the Dakota Access Pipeline have worked to escalate tensions, and resulted in threats and intimidation targeting workers and law enforcement officers, as well as significant property and environmental damage.

It is a sad reality that trade union workers had to call for “civil discourse” to protect the good jobs that Keystone XL represents.

In April a former Obama official even admitted the pipeline “should have been built” during the Obama administration. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Director Adam Sieminski made his comments to Axios‘ Amy Harder:

“One opinion I don’t have to stifle anymore is that I think the Keystone XL pipeline should have been built,” Sieminski told Axios on the sidelines of a Brookings Institution confab Monday of some of Washington’s biggest names in energy. He went on to say that pipelines are a safer way to transport oil than rail.