The massive cleanup of the #NoDAPL protests is near the finish line, according to a story out of Fargo, North Dakota published on Thursday.
KFGO wrote that the “million dollar clean-up” of Dakota Access protests camps is “nearly complete”:
The million dollar clean-up of three camps used by Dakota Access Pipeline protesters in south central North Dakota is nearly complete.
…More than 7,000 cubic yards of debris and garbage, filling 1600 rollout dumpsters has been collected so far. Hignight says the Standing Rock Sioux tribe has also collected propane tanks and lumber for recycling or use left behind when the camps were evacuated about two weeks ago.
An Army Corps spokesman noted that cleanup crews have discovered human waste around the protests sites, but, fortunately, no hazardous waste that they had worried about after protesters cleared the site last month.
Still, the protest cleanup has been a stunning show after so-called “enviromentalists” held court near the pipeline site for months.
Core News previously covered the “mountains of debris” left behind by Dakota Access protesters, which local officials predicted would take a 250 trucks to clean up. Then there’s the matter of protesters lighting their camps on fire, and some allegedly leaving puppies behind at the site to freeze to death.
Fortunately, it appears this long and expensive cleanup is coming to an end.